Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Boy Baby Names

As I was looking at blogs today, I noticed my friend had posted a request to help her and her husband pick out their baby's name.  Well...calling all help!  If anyone has any suggestions...we are happy to hear them.  Give us some names that you think are fabulous!  Boys names we're having a about 28 days (hopefully sooner).


Chase said...

Cletus, Crud, Clifford, Clyde, Cecil, Coy, Cash, Clarence, Colton, Cage, Clint Jr., CHASE, Carson, Cooper, Cody......just to name a few. I got tons of 'em, if you need any help just give me a call!!!! haha

E said...

What does it matter? You'll have some moment of inspiration just before he's born and whatever you have told your unsuspecting best friend goes right out the window...I still like Cree

Katie Houston said...

Anderson, (popular in Brasil) Coby, (I'm going to start giving you some student names), Austin, Braden, Sam, Janson, Jordan, Kade, Alex, Josh, Daylan, Spencer, Grayson, Jeremiah, Cameron, Isaiah....just to name a few options :-).