Sunday, November 2, 2008

Trick or Treat

Carter's pile at the end (don't be fooled, he had a whole other stash in another bag)
Our family plus our neighbor Gabe at the end of Trick or Treating. (plus our cool pumpkin Clinton carved)
Fischer our Pumpkin
Anja our Witch
Carter our Wizard
We had a great time this Halloween.  I made parts of the kids costumes...which is a first for me.  We loved trick or treating with friends around our apartment complex and being scared by a gorilla! (picture to come!)  It was just such a sweet experience.  Yeah for Halloween!

Trick or Treat

This is a video of Carter and Anja trick or treating.  It's dark, but you can still here them.  We found an area of a neighborhood that handed out full size or king size candy.  I didn't realize they gave king size until the next day when Carter wanted to watch a movie and he wanted a special treat.  He grabbed a bag of kissables and I thought, "wow, this is a big bag."  I poured them into a little bowl and he scurried off.  Later while cleaning up, I saw the bag said "king" on it.  oh, no wonder the bag was SO big!


chelsey said...

I bet Carter was raking in the candy with that door approach, "Trick-or-Treat, Happy Halloween." Cool Costumes Alexis. Come to think of it, I have no idea what you used to be for Halloween. I was always a pirate. Holly = purple dinosaur and I think that you were a witch or something. Best Trick-or-treating success was with the Salmis. We cleaned house and brought all the candy to the yard!

Unknown said...

i love the costumes; they are adorable! your kids are soooo cute!

Kim said...

Yes, Oma and Opa loved hearing, "Trick or treat....Happy Halloween!"...(TOO CUTE!!) and we would love for the Morgan kids to come to our door next year....we can HEAR your Halloween greeting and give you KING-SIZED candy! (Remember, what one of MOM'S jobs is!) Come to Oregon soon...housing prices are down!

Jill said...

No! Come trick-or-treat in Utah! Your kids are beautiful! Miss ya!