Friday, July 17, 2009

Our Happy 4th Celebration

We got to celebrate the 4th at our home and Alexis's parents and sister were able to celebrate with us too!  We had fun playing on the hot day, with no air conditioning, wear fun festive red/white/blue clothes, watch fireworks, and eat good food.

Here are the kids sitting...very hard to get all 3 to look at the camera.  Fischer is singing for us!  His version of the national anthem.

The 3 Kids: Anja smiling at Fischer....and Carter is trying to put his arm around Fischer nicely...but I don't think Fischer liked it so much.

Yes, we did it...squeezed all of us in one picture...while Clinton holds the camera.

Wow!  Nothing beats great Oregon fireworks...  :)

Carter watching those great Oregon fireworks!

Fischer and Carter: Fischer loves to pose in pictures!...look at that fancy footwork!


Kim said...

Hey! We were there! And we loved spending the day with all of, the food was delicious, Clinton and Alexis, and having fun with the grandchildren always feels like a celebration...your Oma and Opa love you three wonderful grandchildren:)!!...and you too, Clinton and Alexis!!

jenni said...

Carter in the box! haha! I like Fischer's feet in that last one, like he is waving with it!

chelsey said...

Ha ha! I love every single one of those pictures for so many reasons! What a cute family you have! You guys definitely know how to celebrate!

The Hulls said...

Oh I love all of those pictures!! Reese told me last Sunday that she wanted Anja to come to church. I told her that Anja was going to church in Oregon so she said she wanted to go to Oregon. We miss you guys!

Caroline said...

Such cute posts! I love that you're getting to spend so much time with family after four years away! Your kids look so big, I hardly know them. Fisher especially has his own look, so different from Carter.

I wish you were in Utah so we could hang out, maybe someday we'll get together! I hope intern year is going well!