We made another fun trip to Bounce-U, via a preschool group...(thanks Jana!) and Carter and Anja had a BLAST! Last year, Carter learned the ropes quickly and went from once place to the next. Anja didn't want anything to do with the big toys. She did like an obstacle course--but only when I went with her. Needless to say, that was a total workout.
This year was a completely different experience for Anja. She LOVED it! We walked in and immediately took to the HUGE slide. She could climb to the top by her self and did even wait for her dad to slide down with her. Anja did her own thing (with her mom photographing her along the way). Clinton followed Carter around; and together we all had a wonderful time.
Thanks to Gregg and Jenni for watching our little Fischer. We simply have the best neighbors!...and wonderful friends too!

Anja and Carter coming down the huge slide

Clinton and Carter showing their excitement. By Clinton's facial expression, you'd think he'd just dropped 100 feet!

Anja showing her skill down the slide.

Anja and Clinton at the bottom of the obstacle course. This was a favorite. Clinton got a bit worn out.

Anja just LOVING this whole experience.
We are so glad we got to go. We hope to make it to Boune-U one more time before we move.