Monday, August 31, 2009

Happy Birthday Fischer!

We just love our Fischer!

Fischer at 11 weeks. He loves to smile at us.

Fischer on his blessing day, December 28th.

Fischer with big sister, Anja in the spring time. (around 7 months old)

Fischer and Clinton at the Oregon Zoo. It has become one of our favorite places. We'll be going there today for his birthday.

Our Happy 1 Year Old!
We are so happy that we have Fischer in our family.
He smiles at us a lot, loves to play with Carter and Anja, crawls really fast, likes to walk while holding our hands, enjoying climbing up on Anja's big bed, thinks drinking out of his siblings sippy cups is fun, prefers big people more baby food, loves all of his grandparents, aunts, and uncles, laughs a lot, likes to chew on the corner of board books, favorite things to say are duck & uh-oh-spaghetti-o (he tries to say the last word--it's pretty cute), gives great hugs, and snuggles really well with his mom and dad.
Happy Birthday Fischer!
We love you so much!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Our Almost 1 year old

We love our Fischer. He loves to eat his breakfast.

Monday, August 17, 2009

My HUGE Savings

Ok, so I've been working on the coupon thing...and today we rocked at Albertsons. I did their $5 coupon, $20 MIR promo. I picked my items, got corresponding coupons, and headed to the store. My total before coupons and sales was $45.59. Using their sale, coupons, and $15 of catalina coupons from the previous promo, my Out Of Pocket was $0.68!!!! I told Carter about it and he thought it was great. We spent 68 cents on all this stuff, because I was actually owed 1 cent and I thought well, lets get a treat, so I bought the bag of M&Ms for the kids for FHE tonight. Hooray!!! And I'm sending in my $20 mail in rebate. In 6-8 weeks I should be getting a $20 check. If all works out, I will have made $19.32 on this transaction!!! Yep...I'd say that ROCKS!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

My Cousins

Lindsey, Alexis (me), Chloe, Scott, Erica, Holly

Our kids...thanks to Scott for making that great duck call noise and getting all the kids to laugh!

The whole lot of us.

We had a little cousin get-together...all the cousins who live in the northwest. We met at a park on Saturday...hung out, the kids and guys played sports, and we all chatted and laughed. It was wonderful to see everyone. I just love my cousins...and sister too!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

At The Playground

Today at a get-together with some of my cousins, Anja asked me to take her picture on the airplane. Thanks for the smile Anja! You are such a fun girl!! Love those dimples.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Future Fisherman!

Fischer and Opa...posing with the fish.  This kid is gonna love the ocean!  We are predicting he's gonna be a future fisherman!  He already loves the water.  He went swimming in Aunt Evelyn and Uncle Bill's pool every time Carter and Anja went.  He just loved it!
Look at all those great salmon...great too because everyone got their limits!  The salmon made for a yummy dinner!
Cool Cousins...Carter and Anja loved playing with Dietrich and Eliza.  Every day they wanted to play with them, which is great!  It's so fun when kids get along and have fun!  Carter kept saying, 'Mom, I want to have a play day with Dieder.'  It was so cute!
All the kids watching Greg clean the fish.  The had fun watching.

Uncle Aaron's Homecoming

In mid-July, Uncle Aaron was set to give his homecoming talk.  He returned on July 1st from the Poland Warsaw Mission.  Yeah!  We were so excited!  And we wanted to be a part of Alexis loaded all 3 kids in the van and headed to Paul, Idaho.  After 8 1/2 hours of driving...she made it and so did the kids.  Yeah!  We were so happy to be a part of the special day.  Great Job on your talk Uncle Aaron!

Uncle Aaron at the dinner held in his honor, with Carter, Fischer, and Anja
Carter, Anja, and Fischer with Great-Grandma Schriever...or Grandma Belva as she is known by the little great-grandkids.  The kids had fun visiting with her.  Thanks for flying out from PA!  We know that's a long flight!!
Grandma Belva and Fischer


Carter at 4 years old
Anja at 2 3/4 years old
Fischer at 10 months

Monday, August 3, 2009

It's SO HOT!!

Portland has been a sweltering 106 degrees. Ok...last Tuesday and Wednesday it really reached that temperature. I got home from nice, cool Astoria Tuesday night to a house that was 86 degrees inside. That's just unlivable. The kids and I had to sleep by the wall air conditioner unit because the bedrooms were so hot! I called my parents Tuesday night and we spoke again Wednesday at 7:15 was gonna be near 90 degrees before lunch...around 106 that day. Needless to say, my parents said, 'pack up the kids and come to the coast for a week.' No Problem! So we have been in Astoria all 68 degrees and all. Don't get me warmed to about 71...which was cooler than the earlier temperatures that week....but I just can't live in 106 degrees and NO CENTRAL AC.

My dad went fishing and cought some great fish. Great pictures of the kids with the fish. Actually, I haven't put many pictures up this past month. Must catch many things to do.

Love to all of our family and friends!