Saturday, April 19, 2008

Kiss Hershey Back

This was an event organized by medical students to help beautify Hershey.  People picked up garbage, planted trees, and even painted a welcome sign...all throughout Hershey.  If you want to see more you can go to the website.

Carter is happy as a clam at high tide.
Anja is ready to work.
Clinton, Anja, and Carter...getting a drink and happy to work.
We made a little video while picking up garbage.  Clinton took all the spots by the road, while the kids and I picked up in the field and around the parking lot (well I picked up...the kids threw away their own garbage, wore the green neon vests, and picked dandelions.  We had a great time.  It was wonderful that we could participate in this service project as a family.

1 comment:

Katie Torriente: said...

Hey- i saw a link to Mary-Cat's blog on yours, but i was denied access :(. tell her hello for me and have her send me a blog invite!!! Oh, i was in Portland last weekend and went to Raineer, it made me think of you and the holly farms!