Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Swimming Lessons

Carter's 1st Session of Swim Lessons.
We signed Carter up for 2 sessions of swim lessons.  Here are photos and videos from the first session...the middle two weeks of June.  (he is currently completing his 2nd session).  He is in the Tadpole 1 swimming class...ages 3-5.  Carter made the deadline by 1 week.  Needless to say, he was the youngest and shortest kid in his class.  However, that didn't stop him from being a total fish.  He loves the water and his enthusiasm (and sometimes silliness) in the water shows his excitement.
Our proud swimmer on his first day of swim lessons.  He was so excited!
Anja during Carter's swim lessons.  Don't be fooled, she is having a good time...she is eating a lollipop...she just didn't feel like smiling at me.
His swam class as the walked to their jump destination.  Carter is the 3rd from the left.
The last day of class the kids went to the deeper end (not the deepest) and swam with life jackets.  The teacher wanted all the kids to jump in.  Carter was the first to quickly volunteer.  He walked right up to the edge and jumped in.  He loved swimming with the jacket...not being able to touch the bottom.

Carter gives an intro on the last day of swimming lessons.

Carter blowing bubbles and swimming.

Carter being silly in the pool.

Carter practices his swimming...with his teachers assistance.

Good Job Carter with all of you swimming!


chelsey said...

Look at that little fish! I can't believe Carter was the first to jump in the deep end! Go Carter! Looks like you guys are having a blast!

E said...

glad you have finally re entered blog central!

Anonymous said...

We want to do monster arms, sandwich hands, blow bubbles and swim with our favorite Mr.C!
Oma and Opa send hugs and kisses!

Caroline said...

I can totally see a future Olympian. Thanks for the fun videos.