Our family loves to go to Zoo America (the local zoo in Hershey). It's a small zoo, only animals found in North America. In this picture, Anja had no interest in looking at the camera.

Carter enjoys making fun faces at the camera. This picture was the nicest of all his silly faces.

Anja climbing the fence to get a closer look. On this trip to the zoo, she got really good at climbing the fence all by herself.

Carter smiling so nicely for me. We were by the elk...who were just laying down in the warm sun.

Our most recent family photo. Anja is scratching her nose, Clinton is smiling at the camera, Carter refused to turn around...just too interested in the wolves, Alexis smiling at the camera, and Fischer is blinded by the sun (but by far the most cooperative of all the kids). Still, a lovely picture. So here we all are...The Morgan Family.
Okay fine here is my address 3322 SE Charlotte Place Corvallis, OR. 97333. I saw fischer's announcement at Lindsey's and just thought you took me off your cool cousins list. I know how hard it is to stay on that list:)
So just for all you out there that like to spread rumors:)....Lexi did not make a "cool cousins" list...at least she didn't physically make one:) just kidding. I had to throw that in there.
You are always going to be a cool cousin, Stephanie! And we have such "cool" grandchildren....cool pics!
Cute pictures...I miss you...when are you moving to Utah?
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