A Halloween Party Event

The Morgan Family: Clinton & Alexis both 'Jess Henderson, anesthesia resident, neighbor, amazing friend, who always said "HEY MAN! How's it going?", and put in Alexis's epidural', Carter the Wizard, Anja the Witch, and Fischer the Pumpkin

We love having Fischer in our family. He is a sweet baby who has started smiling at us lots!...and makes great noises.

Anja made us work for good pictures. She loved her hat and never wanted it off her head. Any time it did fall off, she would said, "my hat, my hat, my hat" in a voice that indicated she needed it back on asap.

At the party there were many super heroes..and sometimes more than one. We had Spiderman, Batman, Spiderman, Superman, and a special Wizard.

And Dorothy came from Kansas, then that awesome Wizard, Princess Leah (who posed for another special picture with the Wizard), and TWO Jedi Knights!

When the party was done...Anja and Clinton thought it was the spookiest they'd been to since last year! (notice the pin on Clinton's scrub, it matched Alexis's earings!)
Here in Hershey, we trick or treat on the Thursday before Halloween. Why you ask? I'm not totally postive, but a woman who has lived here for over 25 years said that it has been like that since before she lived here. We love it! It never falls on a weekend, Sunday, and the times are designated as well 6-8pm. A great time...that way if you stay home to hand out candy...you don't get visitors past that time.
Since Trick or Treating fell on Thursday, a friend had a HUGE Halloween Party on the 31st. We all dressed up and had a wonderful time. (especially since the party was thrown by two friends, one of whom is a neighbor and the party was outside our front door!..no traveling involved)