Anja on her 1st day.
We picked out her outfit last night, from the pile of new school clothes. We made sure they got washed and she was so excited to put them on this morning. Her shirt is navy blue and has two small scottie dogs on it wearing outfits that match her pants. She LOVES it!!
Anja is notorious for taking out her hair clips and often loosing them. We talked today about keeping them in. Happy to report...she didn't touch her hair clips. Yeah!
Carter also enjoyed picking out his new clothes, wearing his new earth vest (the patch on the front), and his 'cool new shoes!' He is our experienced preschool kid...this is his third and final year of preschool. Yesterday he said, 'yeah, Anja is coming with me to kindergarten.' I replied that it was actually preschool; kindergarten will be next year. 'Oh, I'm just being silly. Yes, kindergarten is next year.'

Carter and Anja loved posing for pictures this morning.

Anja excited!!

Carter waiting for the other kids to arrive.

The end of the first day. Carter and Anja were excited to see Fischer (who was waiting in the car for them) and tell me all about their day!

A cute proud parent moment...when I got there to pick them up, one of the teachers smiled and said, 'oh I don't think we want to let them go, they are just too cute!' And she remarked that you wouldn't have known it was their first day of school...they did great!