Carter attended Zoo Camp at the Oregon Zoo the last week of July. He was in the Penguin Camp and each day they toured a different area of the zoo, saw the animals, did a craft, had snack, and had critter chat...where an animal is brought into the classroom and the kids get to pet it and learn all about it. He loved it! It was busy for me...running him over to the west side of Portland each morning...thinking about major rush hour traffic... and keeping Anja and Fischer occupied during the camp. But it was so worth it. Carter learned so much and enjoyed his time. On the first morning, I had to set an alarm to get up at 7am...yes we love to sleep in over here. Well, Clinton was on wards, so he was up around 5:00 that morning. I was in mid-dream when the alarm went off...all of a sudden I hear, "Mom, there is a beeping in your room." And that helped me wake up. I got out of bed, walked into the hallway, expecting to see Carter come out of his room. Instead, I looked to my right, and saw him sitting at the craft table, completely dressed, shoes on, ready to go to Zoo camp. After talking with him, I learned he'd gotten up around when Clinton had, eaten, and was waiting to leave for Zoo Camp. Needless to say, he was excited!