It seems like it was only a few months ago that our Fischer was born in Hershey, PA. The time has flown by too quickly but we couldn't be more happy that Fischer is a part of our family. As Clinton and I were decorating for Fischer's birthday---tomorrow---we kept thinking about how much fun he is and all the joy he brings to our family daily.
This video was taken of Fischer one month ago. Listening to him talk, reminds me of how much more he is talking now. It is amazing how quickly little children develop and grow.
We just love our Fischer and are so excited for his birthday tomorrow!
Happy Birthday to Fischer!! It really does seem like it was just a few months ago! He sure is cute!!
So I have a plan...what if Carson marries Anja and Carter marries Hailey and Anna marries Fisher!:) That would be amazing! Fisher is such a stud...looks just like your other beautiful kiddos. I forgot that he and Anna are only weeks apart. Hailey and Anja are pretty close too! I miss you...please give me another chance when you come through Utah...I would LOVE to see you guys. We have 1 year left, can you believe that? Love ya tons! One of these days I really am going to call you and surprise you!
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