Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Disneyland Trip

Yes, our Disneyland trip was in May...and I'm just posting three pictures today (November...pathetic). We had a fabulous time. Thanks Oma and Opa...we still talk about the trip.Fischer with Chip and Dale

Anja with Toy Story Soldier
(this was so darling. She kept watching him, standing back and before the truck started to drive away, he let Anja honk a little horn and took a picture with her. She was thrilled!)

Carter fighting Darth Vader
Yes, Carter was a Jedi and fought off Darth Vader. He LOVED it!!!

Monday, July 4, 2011

Good Times at Easter

Yes, it's July 4th, and we are waiting for Clinton to come home to grill our family dinner. I've got everything ready and was talking to Holly (my sister) on the phone and we were talking about future plans. I mentioned something about how when move I'm gonna need to be better at blogging and that my father-in-law is probably going to give me a hard time because we've been living in Oregon near my family and I've done a horrible(!!) job at blogging. "Well, Arlen, to beat you to that point and to defend myself, I was decent at blogging when we moved to Oregon, but then I broke our camera and it took me a while to get back into uploading pictures to the computer. And I'm gonna be better a year before we move...starting now. So you won't be able to give me a hard time when we move to New Hampshire." :)
Without further adieu...our Easter photos...

A funny picture of Fischer with his shag hair!Carter excited about his new Star Wars book!
(it should be mentioned that this child LOVES!! Star Wars)

Our family Easter morning.
(yes this was the best picture taken...we couldn't get Carter and Anja to smile at the same time)

Alexis and Clinton

The Timmerman Family
We celebrated Easter on Saturday, b/c Clinton worked Sunday night
I have a friend who blogs once a week...she picks a day and sticks to the schedule. I need to figure out something like that. And yet it's hard, because it's summer time. A time for no schedules, no early mornings, no deadlines. We'll see! :)

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

When Aunt Sharla came to visit....(in April)...

Carter, Anja, Clinton, and Aunt Sharla climbed the Astor Column...visited the County Jail, a jail that the bad guys break out of in the movie, The Goonies...

Alexis and Fischer got stuck in jail...

And we all rode the Trolley ...
that is until Anja got sick!

Monday, February 28, 2011

Our Little Ballerina

Anja is excited because she is old enough for the 'big girl ballet class.' She was in the 3-4.5 year old class and now is in the 4.5-6 year old class. She says the girls are bigger and she just watched on her first day. She is our bashful child. But last week she said '"I was brave and I danced!" Yeah for Anja!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Preparing for Valentine's Day

While Carter and Anja were busy making valentine's for their friends, Fischer was in the family room drawing on the window. Thanks to Oma and Opa Fischer now has window markers and LOVES to draw on the's great!Carter prepared a lot of valentine's. It was fun this year to make them from scratch. I cut out hearts, the kids glued the red doilies on the paper and decorated with stickers. We put suckers on as the final touch and glued messages on for each friend. We had a fun time.

Anja made sure her hearts were pretty and each was made with love and lots of detail. What a sweet valentine!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Fischer's New Bed

Check out Fischer
On Saturday the kids and I took down the crib and got the toddler bed out for Fischer. We had a good time taking all the pieces apart and hauling them to the garage. Then we put the toddler bed in the boys room and then we made the bed. Fischer LOVES his monkey quilt. He got comfortable fast and rested on his bed for a bit. He was told quickly that no monkey's should jump on the bed!!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Merry Christmas!

We had an amazing Christmas week. Clinton had a vacation week and we thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. Here is the family on Christmas morning:

Anja with her stocking...
Clinton with his new office chair...
Carter with his favorite reese's peanut butter cups and a new zoo key!...
Fischer, 8:00AM and already eaten several reese's peanut butter cups and opening his mickey mouse dance star toy...he LOVES it...dances all the time...

Why is Alexis wearing a yellow Mickey Mouse poncho?...because that's one of the crazy things she got from her parents. This was taken at our Christmas Eve party. We opened stockings from Alexis's parents. Our Christmas gift is an all expense paid trip to DISNEYLAND!!! We can't wait!