Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Fischer's New Bed

Check out Fischer
On Saturday the kids and I took down the crib and got the toddler bed out for Fischer. We had a good time taking all the pieces apart and hauling them to the garage. Then we put the toddler bed in the boys room and then we made the bed. Fischer LOVES his monkey quilt. He got comfortable fast and rested on his bed for a bit. He was told quickly that no monkey's should jump on the bed!!


Jill said...

What a darling little guy. I need to move Anna into a bed...I'm afraid to. So, we are moving to Twin Falls, I think that you should meet us there when you are done...it will be easier for our kids to hang out...and eventually marry! Make sure to look us up when you come to visit Idaho! We need to chat on the phone again, it was so good to talk to you.

Sharla said...

Love it! What a cute little monkey! Fischer is getting so big! Miss you all.

jenni said...

is that your new camera?! love it!

Kim said...

Guten Morgen, Fischer Morgan!