Hooray!!! Last night, after the kids were in bed and I was resting...Anja came walking into my room at 8:30. I asked why she was still up and told her she needed to be asleep. Her response was, "But Mom, it's snowing outside and sticking to the ground!" We went and looked, sure enough...it was a winter wonderland for Portland. I got her back in bed and went to show Carter...who was also still awake (?) I showed him and he was ecstatic!
Needless to say...both kids were out of bed and I asked if they wanted to walk in the snow. Silly question! Of course they did. In their slippers, snow coats, and eventually gloves (b/c we ended up playing outside for 1 1/2 hours)...the kids had a great time in the snow.
I want to add that yes, I tried to get Fischer up...showed him the snow...he sleepily looked at it and informed me he wanted to go back to bed.
(he was very excited to see the snow this morning)
Here are a few pictures from the evening:
Carter getting ready to throw a snowball.

Anja eating snow off the car.
Our fabulous snowman...equipped with hat, gloves, carrot nose, ears, arms, eyes, and mouth!
(I haven't been in many photos with the kids and thought my pregnant self should get in one!)
Clinton with the kids.
Carter and Anja right as the snow started to fall. Getting Carter to keep his eyes open in a picture is actually quite hard. Had to take a couple to get this photo.
We had a great time in the snow...and then this morning the snow was still there...but the rains had come to early and made the roads slushy and too drivable for everyone. The kids are currently at school. (which we figured would happen...that's why we played in the snow last night and didn't get the kids to bed until 10pm!!)