Merry Christmas...Carter loved his stocking.

Fischer shared in the Christmas spirit...pajamas, gooing (his singing), and watching-watching-watching!

Anja's new love...Minnie Mouse...she loved this costume and kept it on for hours. Now she has a little Minnie Mouse figurine, that Jana gave her (thank you Jana), that goes EVERYWHERE!

Our little Fischer on his blessing day.

The Morgan Family

The Timmerman Family (Carter and Anja in nursery)

Carter is a total fish! He just loves to swim.

Carter and Anja are dressed up for the first Sunday in January. Carter started primary. We are both primary teachers and we were able to watch Carter in his Sunbeam class. The hour in Junior Primary Carter (with wiggles and silly faces and some sitting backward on his chair) also sang the songs, learned the new song, and even raised his hand to participate. We loved being able to watch him and are excited for this new year in primary. Anja went to nursery again...she's an old pro. Sometimes she is bashfull when she arises, as her teachers are all men, but she keeps walking into class and leaves us at the door.
Just wanted to update since Christmas and add a few pictures.
To come...a picture of my new hair cut. I finally got back to doing my hair...cuz when I'm pregnant...I don't get it done. It looks amazing...by my own admission...my supervisor from work last night said, "I like your hair; it suits you." Yeah! I'll post later to show.
hey there! lexi you look so AMAZING- love the family pics and the ones of the kids are hilarious. Can't wait to see the haircut pictures!
you are so funny. Never afraid to through yourself a compliment. That's what I love about you. I had fun chatting on the phone with you the other day. I hope to get to see you soon!
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