Tuesday, December 22, 2009

The Nutracker

Some of you may know that I grew up dancing. Since the age of three, I've been a ballerina (or was at one point in my life...not currently). When I was five, I was able to join the other girls at the studio I danced at--Maddox Dance Studio--in the production of The Nutcracker. I LOVED trying out for parts, practicing with my friends, and performing on stage, the Astoria High School auditorium. That was such a fun time in my life.
After Anja was born, I thought about how wonderful it would be if I put her in dance class, she actually loved it, and then took her to see the performance of The Nutcracker. Well that wish came true this year. Anja started dance class; she does LOVE it; and she and I attended her first viewing of The Nutracker at the Astoria High School auditorium.
It was such a special experience. We traveled to Astoria for the production. My parents watched the boys so we could go to the performance. We got all dressed up, took some pictures (as seen below), and arrived just in time for the beginning of the show.
What made it even more special was that prior to the show starting, we ran into Jeanne Peterson, my old dance teacher, owner of Maddox Dance Studio, and director of The Nutcracker. I said, "Hello Jeanne" and her immediate response was, "Alexis it is wonderful to see you." And she said, "Oh, your daughter looks just like you did when you started ballet." Oh--I loved our conversation!!
Anja sat on my lap during the performance so she could see the stage better. We had great seats. Anja didn't take her eyes off the stage the entire time! SHE LOVED IT!!! At the end, the children were invited up to get a candy cane and all of the dancers greeted the kids on stage. I walked Anja up and she was timid. But she took a candy cane and had that awe look in her eye, as if she could hardly believe that she was standing next to all of these people.
I will treasure this experience. And it is something that I look forward to continuing to do with Anja.


jenni said...

oh how special! you two as always look amazing!

Katie Houston said...

That was such a sweet blog post, Lex. That's a tradition Anja will treasure her entire life. I sat by a girl on the airplane named Anja, spelled the exact same way! She was in awe that someone else existed here in the U.S. with her name spelled like she spells it. She was a 19 year old single mother...man, that would be hard. She was SO young and alone.

Thompson Family said...

that is so sweet Lex! You and Anja both look so beautiful in these pictures!

Jana said...

I love these pictures!

E said...

I love Anja's red shes in your banner picture!!! IT was so good to talk to you over Christmas...call me anytime!
Love you

lisa said...

Anja is so cute. She is absolutely adorable. How fun.