Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!

Thanks to our talented friend Jenni--we got some pretty pictures outside!  It was cold.  We had such a fun Easter day with the kids.  Fun activities, talking and learning about Christ, the Resurrection, a wonderful dinner--a fabulous time.  Don't you just love the wind blowing in our faces? (for my family--do you remember my 10th grade photo...the 'wind blown' look?)
Fischer is 7.5 months old and is a wonderful boy.  We love his sweetness and happy personality.  


lisa said...

Cute pictures! Your kids are darling. I read that you are going to Portland, that is so exciting. I bet your parents are so excited. Can you believe Clinton is done with school. Wow. Contrats on all the accomplishments, you have such a wonderful family.

jenni said...

wow! What a beautiful family! I love those little vests.