Thursday, April 2, 2009

New Cups and Easter Baskets

Carter and Anja have enjoyed the Disney Store Outlet.  They always have great finds.  A month ago I bought new cups for the kids and picked these out.  Carter got a 101 Dalmations and Anja got Minnie Mouse.  They also have replen straws in the store.  Fantastic!
Easter is almost here, so Clinton thought--lets put up Easter Decorations.  He went to the storage shed, pulled the tote that had Easter on the tag (along with other holidays), opened it in front of the kids, and only found the Easter Baskets. Easter decorations.  But thankfully, Gram and Grandpa had sent some fun things to hang on the window and other random items.  So to celebrate the discovery of the Easter baskets...they even had plastic eggs inside of them...Carter and Anja drank milk out of the disney cups and put the baskets on their heads.  What a great idea! :)

1 comment:

jenni said...

haha!! I had a great conversation with Carter yesterday. He was going on and on about this and that and Anja would randomly bust in the conversation and shout "stick!". I love the Morgans! ps. don't leave.