We just love our Fischer!

Fischer at 11 weeks. He loves to smile at us.
Fischer on his blessing day, December 28th.
Fischer with big sister, Anja in the spring time. (around 7 months old)
Fischer and Clinton at the Oregon Zoo. It has become one of our favorite places. We'll be going there today for his birthday.

Our Happy 1 Year Old!
We are so happy that we have Fischer in our family.
He smiles at us a lot, loves to play with Carter and Anja, crawls really fast, likes to walk while holding our hands, enjoying climbing up on Anja's big bed, thinks drinking out of his siblings sippy cups is fun, prefers big people food...no more baby food, loves all of his grandparents, aunts, and uncles, laughs a lot, likes to chew on the corner of board books, favorite things to say are duck & uh-oh-spaghetti-o (he tries to say the last word--it's pretty cute), gives great hugs, and snuggles really well with his mom and dad.
Happy Birthday Fischer!
We love you so much!
Happy Birthday to our precious Fischer. Hope you have a fun day.
We love you so much too, Gram and Gramps
Happy 1st Birthday to our Fischer, who truly is a happy guy to be around...and we sure love you, Fischer! We heard that you've been celebrating your special day with all the party animals at the zoo....what fun!
Happy Birthday, dear Fischer! We love you!
Happy Birthday Fischer!!! I love all the pictures of him! What a cutie!
Happy Birthday Fischer!! I love his hair. He is getting so big but still cute as ever!!
Is he really 1 already! I feel like time is going so fast and still can't believe summer is already pretty much over. Looks like all is well in Oregon! Happy b-day Fisher.
Happy Birthday!!!
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