I am grateful for my little girl Anja. She just loves cooking with me. In this picture she is making pumpkin pie. She stirred and stirred and helped make the pie that we ate at Thanksgiving. It was delicious. When I'm in the kitchen, Anja comes in and asks if she can help. Today she was disappointed when she saw that I had made brownies without her. But she was quickly cheered up when she learned that she could have a brownie after she ate her dinner! She is not only a helper in the kitchen, but in helping play with Fischer throughout the day. She loves to set up a picnic in the family room, hallway, the boys room, or her room...with Fischer. She gets the place settings out, the food, and talks with Fischer as they sit and "eat." It is darling!! I showed her yesterday how she could set up a 'tea party' with her dolls. She LOVED it! And after I had set up everything she asked, "Mommy, will you leave please?" She wanted to have her tea party with just the girls! Oh, one more thing. A month ago we were walking through Costco and she spotted the barbie house. Oh...she fell for this toy! She said, 'Mommy, that's what I want for Christmas." ooops, I'd already gotten her a gift from Santa, so we called Gram on the phone and asked Gram for this doll house. Well, of course Gram told me she would get it for her! (I returned to the store in secret) Anyway, we put the tree up, decorated, and I wrapped some presents. It's still 2 weeks from Christmas and she woke up yesterday morning and said, "Mommy, I didn't get the doll house for Christmas." (proceeded by very sad face) I quickly told her it wasn't Christmas yet and not all the gifts were out. She went from sad to happy in a flash...once she realized there was still time for the 'perfect present' to appear! I love my little Anja. She is a girl who is definitely ALL GIRL. And we wouldn't have her any other way! LOVE YOU ANJA!!!
Thursday, December 9, 2010
I am Grateful for Anja
I am grateful for my little girl Anja. She just loves cooking with me. In this picture she is making pumpkin pie. She stirred and stirred and helped make the pie that we ate at Thanksgiving. It was delicious. When I'm in the kitchen, Anja comes in and asks if she can help. Today she was disappointed when she saw that I had made brownies without her. But she was quickly cheered up when she learned that she could have a brownie after she ate her dinner! She is not only a helper in the kitchen, but in helping play with Fischer throughout the day. She loves to set up a picnic in the family room, hallway, the boys room, or her room...with Fischer. She gets the place settings out, the food, and talks with Fischer as they sit and "eat." It is darling!! I showed her yesterday how she could set up a 'tea party' with her dolls. She LOVED it! And after I had set up everything she asked, "Mommy, will you leave please?" She wanted to have her tea party with just the girls! Oh, one more thing. A month ago we were walking through Costco and she spotted the barbie house. Oh...she fell for this toy! She said, 'Mommy, that's what I want for Christmas." ooops, I'd already gotten her a gift from Santa, so we called Gram on the phone and asked Gram for this doll house. Well, of course Gram told me she would get it for her! (I returned to the store in secret) Anyway, we put the tree up, decorated, and I wrapped some presents. It's still 2 weeks from Christmas and she woke up yesterday morning and said, "Mommy, I didn't get the doll house for Christmas." (proceeded by very sad face) I quickly told her it wasn't Christmas yet and not all the gifts were out. She went from sad to happy in a flash...once she realized there was still time for the 'perfect present' to appear! I love my little Anja. She is a girl who is definitely ALL GIRL. And we wouldn't have her any other way! LOVE YOU ANJA!!!
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Share My Shutterfly

Oh What Fun Christmas Card
Shop Shutterfly.com for elegant Christmas photo cards.
View the entire collection of cards.
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Fischer the Cat
We put a hat on Fischer while he was wearing this mask one day. We called him the Cat in the Hat! Anja got this kitty mask for a birthday gift from her friend Kylee. Well, Fischer loves it!! He encourages Anja to wear it and when she is done, he puts it on. He walks around after Anja saying, "meow, meow, meow"...he is like a little cat. A handsome little cat!
Fischer the Cat
Fischer the Cat
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Saturday, September 11, 2010
First Day of School
Since we drive to school everyday...13 minutes there and 13 minutes home...we travel with our morning beverages. Gives us more time to sleep in the morning.

Anja also began another year of preschool. We get the pleasure of walking her to school. I absolutely love it. We hold hands and walk the 1 1/2 blocks to her school. She has the same 3 teachers as last year, which is a total bonus for her. And yes, she loves all the new school clothes. She is hands down...the most stylish girl in that school!
Carter is in Kindergarten!
Yes it's true, we can hardly believe the time has gone by...but our once baby boy, is now 5 years old and attends Kindergarten!!! And he absolutely loves it. He's gone for 4 days and is excited to go back to school on Monday. We're happy he's happy.
Carter attends a school that requires uniform. Love it. Khaki, white, and navy blue. He adds his own flare with a space ship backpack and the red converse shoes.
Yes it's true, we can hardly believe the time has gone by...but our once baby boy, is now 5 years old and attends Kindergarten!!! And he absolutely loves it. He's gone for 4 days and is excited to go back to school on Monday. We're happy he's happy.
Anja also began another year of preschool. We get the pleasure of walking her to school. I absolutely love it. We hold hands and walk the 1 1/2 blocks to her school. She has the same 3 teachers as last year, which is a total bonus for her. And yes, she loves all the new school clothes. She is hands down...the most stylish girl in that school!
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Our Baby is Almost 2 Years old!!
Almost 2....our little Fischer boy....
It seems like it was only a few months ago that our Fischer was born in Hershey, PA. The time has flown by too quickly but we couldn't be more happy that Fischer is a part of our family. As Clinton and I were decorating for Fischer's birthday---tomorrow---we kept thinking about how much fun he is and all the joy he brings to our family daily.
This video was taken of Fischer one month ago. Listening to him talk, reminds me of how much more he is talking now. It is amazing how quickly little children develop and grow.
We just love our Fischer and are so excited for his birthday tomorrow!
It seems like it was only a few months ago that our Fischer was born in Hershey, PA. The time has flown by too quickly but we couldn't be more happy that Fischer is a part of our family. As Clinton and I were decorating for Fischer's birthday---tomorrow---we kept thinking about how much fun he is and all the joy he brings to our family daily.
This video was taken of Fischer one month ago. Listening to him talk, reminds me of how much more he is talking now. It is amazing how quickly little children develop and grow.
We just love our Fischer and are so excited for his birthday tomorrow!
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Zoo Camp
Carter attended Zoo Camp at the Oregon Zoo the last week of July. He was in the Penguin Camp and each day they toured a different area of the zoo, saw the animals, did a craft, had snack, and had critter chat...where an animal is brought into the classroom and the kids get to pet it and learn all about it. He loved it! It was busy for me...running him over to the west side of Portland each morning...thinking about major rush hour traffic... and keeping Anja and Fischer occupied during the camp. But it was so worth it. Carter learned so much and enjoyed his time. On the first morning, I had to set an alarm to get up at 7am...yes we love to sleep in over here. Well, Clinton was on wards, so he was up around 5:00 that morning. I was in mid-dream when the alarm went off...all of a sudden I hear, "Mom, there is a beeping in your room." And that helped me wake up. I got out of bed, walked into the hallway, expecting to see Carter come out of his room. Instead, I looked to my right, and saw him sitting at the craft table, completely dressed, shoes on, ready to go to Zoo camp. After talking with him, I learned he'd gotten up around when Clinton had, eaten, and was waiting to leave for Zoo Camp. Needless to say, he was excited!
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
It's Been Hot
The summer sun finally kicked in at the first of July and even then it was only in the afternoon. We are currently trying to keep our house cool as the weather gets hot in the morning too and has the house cookin. Our hottest temp inside this year as only been 80 degrees. Last year it got around 88 degrees...that's when we had to escape to Astoria and stay with Oma and Opa. Thank heavens they have air conditioning. So...I'm grateful it has not been as hot this year. The house has been able to stay cooler...in the low 70s which is nice.
So here are the kids having fun in a our silly little kiddy pool.
They love to do this run and jump thing and pose for the camera!
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Rain in June & Arlen's Birthday
This spring was damp and cold. I was so surprised by how the weather was not truly spring like. But the kids still had fun. We put on rain coats and played outside. Anja has been loving her bike she got for Christmas. So it was fun to see her ride her bike in the raid with all of her Minnie Mouse rain gear on.
Fischer would have preferred to not wear his raincoat. He just loves to the rain...and he just loves to get wet.
A silly picture of Carter and Fischer. We have since cut Carter's hair. Actually, we usually cut the boys hair short and then let it grow out...that way we don't have to cut it too often. Because we'll be honest, our kids don't love haircuts.
Happy Birthday Arlen!
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Fischer the Pirate
Fischer loves to be like his big brother. Carter got a pirate set from Oma and Opa's trip to Disneyland...and it came with an eye patch.
It baffles me how quickly kids grow and Fischer has been no exception. He is my baby and yet each day he seems to act more and more like a toddler. Makes sense since he is almost 2 years old! He is funny, talkative, inquisitive, and LOVES his older siblings. Everyday after his nap he wakes up and says, "CarterAnja." No mistake...he says them consecutively to where they sound like one word. He wants to know where they are, so he can play too.
We love our little Fischer!
Fischer loves to be like his big brother. Carter got a pirate set from Oma and Opa's trip to Disneyland...and it came with an eye patch.
It baffles me how quickly kids grow and Fischer has been no exception. He is my baby and yet each day he seems to act more and more like a toddler. Makes sense since he is almost 2 years old! He is funny, talkative, inquisitive, and LOVES his older siblings. Everyday after his nap he wakes up and says, "CarterAnja." No mistake...he says them consecutively to where they sound like one word. He wants to know where they are, so he can play too.
We love our little Fischer!
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Carter turned FIVE!!!
Our little Carter Roy turned the big FIVE on June 3rd.
He was so excited!!!
For the special day, we took Carter to the Oregon Zoo.
(a place he loves to visit)
And we were lucky to have Gram and Grandpa with us!
He was so excited!!!
(a place he loves to visit)
And we were lucky to have Gram and Grandpa with us!
He loved celebrating his special day.
He not only had fun opening his cool gifts, but also playing with the boxes.
A true boy.
Monday, April 12, 2010
"LLLLLAAAAAA" We're Back Online!
....not that we were ever off-line....it's that I wasn't posting anything on the blog. After several "Lexi you need to post something" comments from my lovely family and friends...here we are!
This is our St. Patrick's Day festivities. Easter has not been uploaded to the computer. After my camera broke on Christmas morning...I bought a new camera, but the love for my old is still strong, I don't always feel like uploading my pictures. So, it's time to get with the program and HERE WE ARE!
The kids and I made Rainbow Cupcakes using my DeMarle Molds (I'm a rep for the company and LOVE LOVE LOVE them...I'll post more info on that later) Here the boys are with their crazy morning hair and the six bowls of colored cupcake batter.
Anja with the batter, after it is in the molds.
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Helping in the Kitchen
Carter, Anja, and Fischer LOVE cantaloupe.
These kids could eat it everyday.
A couple of days ago we decided to have a breakfast dinner.
They kids LOVE pancakes too!
So I started cutting up the cantaloupe and Carter asked if he could help.
He got out a plastic knife and started cutting the cantaloupe (something he's done a couple of times before).
While he was cutting, Fischer decided to help too....Help himself to some cantaloupe!
Yes, Fischer kept taking pieces Carter was cutting and he truly stuffed his face full.
It was so funny to watch.
Thanks for the help in the kitchen boys!
These kids could eat it everyday.
A couple of days ago we decided to have a breakfast dinner.
They kids LOVE pancakes too!
So I started cutting up the cantaloupe and Carter asked if he could help.
He got out a plastic knife and started cutting the cantaloupe (something he's done a couple of times before).
While he was cutting, Fischer decided to help too....Help himself to some cantaloupe!
Yes, Fischer kept taking pieces Carter was cutting and he truly stuffed his face full.
It was so funny to watch.
Thanks for the help in the kitchen boys!
Monday, January 25, 2010
Anja's 1st Day of Primary
Anja had fun on her first day of primary. When I dropped her off, I sat with her for about five minutes until she was comfortable with staying by herself with her new class and teacher. When church was over and we picked her up, she told us she had fun. She enjoyed singing and coloring. Yeah for Sunbeams!! (that's the name of the class she is in)
My One Month Off
Ok, so one day I'm going to print this blog and when I do, I'm going to wonder what happened to one month of our lives. Well, on Christmas morning, the kids got up, Clinton wasn't home from the night shift yet and I went out to grab my camera. As I reached for the camera on the mantle, my hand bumped it and it fell to the ground. I picked it up, turned it on, and then....nothing. My beautiful camera was broken. I used my iphone to take pictures that morning.
Needless to say I wanted and needed a new camera. During the first week of January I looked for, found, and purchased a new canon camera. I've been using and enjoying it. Even with a new camera to take lots of pictures, we have been doing lots of fun things, I just haven't taken the time to blog. So here I am...blogging again....
Needless to say I wanted and needed a new camera. During the first week of January I looked for, found, and purchased a new canon camera. I've been using and enjoying it. Even with a new camera to take lots of pictures, we have been doing lots of fun things, I just haven't taken the time to blog. So here I am...blogging again....
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